F: Flow & Rhythm

In this lesson, we're going to learn about the first ingredient of Rap: 'Flow & Rhythm'.

But what does that mean? Well, 'Flow' is how your words dance on the beat of the music. Imagine you're a surfer, and your words are your surfboard. The music is the wave 🌊 - you want your words to glide along smoothly with the music without crashing! Having a good flow is all about creating interesting patterns (or cadences) with your lyrics over the beat.

Rhythm, on the other hand, is the pattern of the beats 🥁 in the music. It's like the ticking of a clock, nice and steady. To have a good rap flow, your words need to match the rhythm of the beat and stay in time. Let's find our flow and feel the rhythm!

When you see the glowing star ⭐️ symbol appear in the video below that means you need to get involved (rap/move to the beat).

Activity 1 - Feel the Beat:

It's important to understand how to count beats and bars.

  1. Start off by listening to the beat and feeling it, simply by bopping your head, clapping or tapping your foot.
  2. Listen to the beat, then count to 4 over and over again: "1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4...". Everytime you count to 4 that's 1 bar.
  3. Then try to clap on the 2 and the 4.
  4. Follow up by speaking sentences or random phrases over the beat.

Activity 2 - Call & Response:

  1. Check one two chicky check one two (Shout it with attitude!)
  2. Check one two chicky check one two (Whisper it)
  3. Turn it up make it boom biggedy boom!
  4. HEY YOU GIMME BACK MY PHONE! (Shout it with anger!)
  5. I didn't take it leave me alone (Make it sound like you're frightened!)

By mastering your flow, you'll be able to capture your friends attention and keep them engaged with your raps.

Remember: Flow & Rhythm are the heart of any great rap. They are what make your words dance with the music. So let's keep practicing and find our F.I.R.E! 🔥🎤

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