I: Idea

Intro: 🧠💡 Ready to let your imagination run wild? In this lesson, we'll learn about the 'I' in F.I.R.E. which stands for 'Idea'! Every great rap starts with an idea, something you want to say or share. This could be a story, a feeling, a dream, or even just a thought. This is your intention, the heart of your rap. Let's discover your idea.

When you see the glowing star ⭐️ symbol appear in the video below that means you need to get involved (rap/move to the beat).

Activity 1 - Brainstorming: First, we need to find our idea. Grab some paper and a pen. Think about something that's important to you. It could be anything! Your pet, your favorite sport, a funny story, a dream or an ambition. Write down words, phrases or doodles related to your idea. This is your brainstorm - there's no wrong answer here!

Activity 2 - Shape Your Idea: Now, look at your brainstorm. Can you see a story or message starting to form? Try to write a few sentences inspired by or using the words that are in your brainstorm. This could can be lyrics to your rap and start start saying those sentences in time with the beat. Rewrite them or make them longer or shorter if it helps to make them fit to beat better.

Activity 3 - Share Your Idea: Time to share your idea! Tell a friend, a family member or a teacher about your rap idea. How does it feel to share it? Do they have any nice ideas to add? Remember, rap is about expressing yourself and sharing your thoughts with others.

Remember: Your idea is the core of your rap. It's what makes your rap unique and special. So let's keep brainstorming and find our F.I.R.E! 🔥🎤

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